Friday, September 3, 2010

Hang On OBX!

The first time I set my eyes on it, I was hooked.  The Outer Banks of  North Carolina.  I remember my first ride down there.  Being stuck in traffic on route 64 just passed Richmond.  Going through the farms and small towns of NC. Finally crossing the bridge into Kitty Hawk. I remember rolling down the window to take in air and sounds.  There was a pelican flying right next to the van as we cruised down the bridge.  It was magic.  The last time I crossed a bridge like that, Thea and I were on our honeymoon on Sanibel Island.  The minute I crossed the bridge, the islander in me resurfaced and was so different Thea had to point it out.  Crossing the bridge to OBX had the same effect.  In my mind I can still see every beach house and store front that caught our attention.   Riding down 12 I remember the first time I saw the Bodie Lighthouse.  Thea will always be my first beacon, but Bodie was the one that signaled I was back in my element.  The one place I love above all else in the world, the beach.  Since that trip I have been back to OBX three times.  Its magic has not been lost on me.  I hope its magic is strong enough to resist Earl
the eye of Earl from remote aircraft.