Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Dream Machine

I've done it, I've finally upgraded from my old PS2.  So much to say, where do I begin?  I should start by saying a warm thank you to my wonderful wife for being so patient and understanding.  I would also like to thank Ebay for providing the opportunity at the right price!  I would also like to extend my thanks; to the seller for a quick and smooth transaction and fast delivery, to the USPS for safely delivering precious cargo, and last but never least, my children for cheering me on, and being excited as I am when I opened my package.

But wait!   I'm forgetting someone, I would like to thank Warner Brothers (WB)Detective Comics (DC)   and       for making Batman Arkham Asylum the Best Super Hero Game EVER!  Oh and EA SPORTS for allowing me to live out my NHL dreams in their world.


What a fantastic machine!  If you read any commentary or see any commercials you will learn two things about the system.  "It plays games and " and it does, very well.  It also does a lot more.  It is WiFi capable, so it can stream any media from a network storage, or computer with .  It also has  so peripherals like controllers and headsets are completely wireless.  You can purchase and download games and movies online to your considerable 120 gig  hard drive.  So you can check your Facebook account after you play Call of Duty and before you watch Kick Ass which you just downloaded from the PlayStation store.  It also serves as a hub for your PSP to move music, movies, games and now comics.  The interface is so user friendly it took less than a minute to work my way around.  

The visuals are just stunning.  Normal DVDs pop and games are simply amazing.  I don't have HD flat screen yet but I do have a high end JVC with multiple filters that make its picture quality stand out above other TVs.  I use Pysclone competition grade component cables and visuals as close to HD as you can get on a tube TV.
I have yet to watch a Blu-Ray movie but no rush, since I am preoccupied with Call of Duty.  I will update as I find more cool things the PS3 can do.  

For more specs on the PS3 go here!