Friday, September 3, 2010

Hang On OBX!

The first time I set my eyes on it, I was hooked.  The Outer Banks of  North Carolina.  I remember my first ride down there.  Being stuck in traffic on route 64 just passed Richmond.  Going through the farms and small towns of NC. Finally crossing the bridge into Kitty Hawk. I remember rolling down the window to take in air and sounds.  There was a pelican flying right next to the van as we cruised down the bridge.  It was magic.  The last time I crossed a bridge like that, Thea and I were on our honeymoon on Sanibel Island.  The minute I crossed the bridge, the islander in me resurfaced and was so different Thea had to point it out.  Crossing the bridge to OBX had the same effect.  In my mind I can still see every beach house and store front that caught our attention.   Riding down 12 I remember the first time I saw the Bodie Lighthouse.  Thea will always be my first beacon, but Bodie was the one that signaled I was back in my element.  The one place I love above all else in the world, the beach.  Since that trip I have been back to OBX three times.  Its magic has not been lost on me.  I hope its magic is strong enough to resist Earl
the eye of Earl from remote aircraft.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Dream Machine

I've done it, I've finally upgraded from my old PS2.  So much to say, where do I begin?  I should start by saying a warm thank you to my wonderful wife for being so patient and understanding.  I would also like to thank Ebay for providing the opportunity at the right price!  I would also like to extend my thanks; to the seller for a quick and smooth transaction and fast delivery, to the USPS for safely delivering precious cargo, and last but never least, my children for cheering me on, and being excited as I am when I opened my package.

But wait!   I'm forgetting someone, I would like to thank Warner Brothers (WB)Detective Comics (DC)   and       for making Batman Arkham Asylum the Best Super Hero Game EVER!  Oh and EA SPORTS for allowing me to live out my NHL dreams in their world.


What a fantastic machine!  If you read any commentary or see any commercials you will learn two things about the system.  "It plays games and " and it does, very well.  It also does a lot more.  It is WiFi capable, so it can stream any media from a network storage, or computer with .  It also has  so peripherals like controllers and headsets are completely wireless.  You can purchase and download games and movies online to your considerable 120 gig  hard drive.  So you can check your Facebook account after you play Call of Duty and before you watch Kick Ass which you just downloaded from the PlayStation store.  It also serves as a hub for your PSP to move music, movies, games and now comics.  The interface is so user friendly it took less than a minute to work my way around.  

The visuals are just stunning.  Normal DVDs pop and games are simply amazing.  I don't have HD flat screen yet but I do have a high end JVC with multiple filters that make its picture quality stand out above other TVs.  I use Pysclone competition grade component cables and visuals as close to HD as you can get on a tube TV.
I have yet to watch a Blu-Ray movie but no rush, since I am preoccupied with Call of Duty.  I will update as I find more cool things the PS3 can do.  

For more specs on the PS3 go here!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We have a Cup

I found this site after I Google-d my name again.  It's amazing what you can find out there.

 The event is a private three day race of the Super Yacht held in Palma De Mallorca.  Up to 20 boats and 600 crew from all over the world. 

Now judging from the name and the fact that it is a private event, rowboats, skiffs, and dinghy's are probably out of contention.   The event logo is a simple yet elegant design that underscores the prestige and power that is most likely a necessity  to participate.

Even Quint and his boat were denied entry.

 I have seen yachts in person before but what is a Super Yacht?  Taking a look at some of the entries in this years regatta I found my answers.
                     Not impressed? How about..

 As serious as these vessels look the event his held in the spirit of friendly competition with a celebration at the end of the race in which participants congratulate one another.

Not so different from this

                           ( I know what your thinking, everything goes back to hockey)

The site had a lot of great photos of the event.  I found that I liked this photo the most because it reminds me of a few romantic paintings by Edward Hopper.  

yacht photos courtesy of :

Monday, June 28, 2010

We got patches!?!?

I found this today while Google-ing my name. Not bad! I'm going to have to order a few.


"Hi, I'm a long time listener and first time caller!" yep that's about as accurate as you can get to summing up my thoughts right now. I've always been an avid reader of other blogs because I do like to know what others are thinking. I'm probably not alone with that desire since there are SO MANY blogs out there. So into the foray I go. To keep things fresh, I will try to keep the subjects rolling along. However there are always things that will always occupy the thoughts in my mind. My wife, my kids, hockey, movies and comic book heroes. Again Welcome.